Wednesday, August 4, 2010

San Diego Zoo.

Baby Flamingo!

California Condor

Saturday morning we woke up early and headed to the zoo. It is $37 a person! but, Mike got in free (go Army!) and I got a discount, so that was much better. The zoo is huge and it is hard to see everything, but they have a free bus tour that is a great way to get an overview of everything and see alot of the animals. Our favorites were:

  • The Laughing Kukuburra - it definitely laughs and it is loud!

  • The Gorillas! The baby gorilla hung out next to the glass clowning around for everyone watching. It was the cutest thing. The keepers started throwing carrots into the enclosure and the big daddy gorilla came out. The other gorillas scattered so that he could get his fill first. So funny. They were all walking around with huge handfuls of carrots.

  • All of the monkeys/apes were fun to watch, including the ones walking around the zoo!

  • All of the baby animals, of course.
  • There was an extraordinarily long line to see the pandas so we didn't see them, but maybe next time.

We left the zoo around 4pm and headed back to Old Town for dinner. (Mexican food!)

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