Thursday, August 5, 2010

San Diego Saturday Night.

These markers were on the street in front of the cemetary where they had moved the fence back and built the road. Weird.

Can you feel it?!

So, Saturday we went back to Old Town for dinner and ate at Zocalo Grill. It was delicious. Why can't Phoenix have Mexican food like that? Before and after dinner we walked around shopping and I got an amazing silver pendant. While walking around, we saw ads for ghost tours and since we always do the ghost tour, we had to go.
It was hilarious! Our guide walked us around Old Town and told us about all of the experiences he had had there. The Whaley House is there and according to the Travel Channel, it is the most haunted house in America. We gathered in the courtyard there at the house (next to the most amazing hydrangeas!!) and he explained that there was a strong vortex there between the dead and the living. He had a "meter just like on TV" and the lights kept flashing as he moved it around. He told everyone to hold out their hands toward it and see if they felt anything. Everyone was like, Oh wow, and I can feel it! Hilarious! Mike got a great photo of it. The tour ended with our guide passing around photos he had taken with mysterious things in them, like orbs and rods etc. He swore that a couple of orbs had dog faces in them and were a dog pack running together. Uh, huh.

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