Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Back to Blogging in Havre de Grace

Havre de Grace lighthouse found here

Where did the last four months go?! After an extended hiatus (apparently), I am back and in full blogger mode. This summer has been a whirlwind of trips through Texas, Virginia, Istanbul, Bulgaria, Romania and Ukraine. And now, finally we have arrived in Havre de Grace, Maryland where we will make our home for the next few years. After being here for a week, I am getting excited about living in this small Chesapeake Bay town. Everyone has been super friendly and we have found a place to live right near downtown within walking distance of everything...except Mike's work, but that drive is only 15 minutes or so.

I will post some pictures of our trip soon, as in later today or tomorrow, I promise!  And, I have no idea why the formatting has gone crazy, but I will work on that too.

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