Monday, November 22, 2010

Road Trip.

The Gothenburg Ibis
The afternoon we picked up the car we made it to Gothenburg, Sweden. This trip we stayed at several Ibis hotels because they are affordable and everywhere in Europe. This Ibis happened to be a boat! It was nice and we had dinner there in the hotel and went to bed because the next day was going to be long. We got up early and left Gothenburg with our destination being Bergen, Norway on the fiords. We bought the Europe maps for our GPS and it worked perfectly! I was amazed. It would have been very difficult without it. And, we bought an audio book online and listened to it through our GPS all day. It would have been somewhat brutal to only be able to listen to Norwegian radio for 12 hours. Yes, that's right. 12 hours. I think that our top speed was 40 miles an hour. The roads were crazy, but there wasn't very much traffic so that was a good thing. And the tunnels! One tunnel we went through seemed like it corkscrewed down into the mountain forever. We just kept going round and round. A couple of hours outside of Bergen we realized that we had to take a ferry to keep going. There was some stress for a while because we didn't know how late the ferry ran and if we were going to have to sleep in the car to wait for it. Thankfully, it was still running and we were able to keep going. We had a hotel reservation in Bergen so we went straight to the hotel when we arrived and crashed. Long drive! I think I will save our adventures in Bergen for the next post because I have already gone on and on.

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