Mike's favorite beans

View from the hotel (Yes, we stayed at Best Western)

Dutch Windmill

Bicycle parking in Haarlem

'American Style Hotdogs'


We are back from two weeks in Europe! Actually, we got back on Sunday so I am a little behind. I thought that I would just start at the beginning of our trip and show you some pictures. So here goes. Starting with Amsterdam...
Amsterdam is very crowded. The streets are crowded, the museums are crowded. But, Holland is pretty. We took a train to Haarlem the second day there and it is a great town. Pretty square with a huge church and lots of neat old buildings. We also took a tour of a reconstructed windmill. Oh, and there seems to be a least two bicycles for every person in the Netherlands. So many bicycles! We only saw two people fall over though, so it seems to be working. We went to the Van Gogh museum (awesome except for the people) and I went to Anne Frank's house. I reread her diary on the way there and all I can say is, wow. You can actually go up the stairs and behind the bookcase into their apartment and walk through it. It is so moving and they have her actual diary on display! Amazing. I'm glad that I read it beforehand. No pictures there, but I did buy a book about the museum. We also took a boat tour through the canals as part of the conference. There are so many houseboats on the canals! What would it be like to live on a houseboat in a canal in Amsterdam?